The World’s Most Impractical Van? Anders Bilidt Design and Concept April 30, 2020As a workhorse, a van’s entire reason for even existing is based around practicality and functionality. Without that, one could...
Frenching Søren Navntoft Tips and Guides October 8, 2019Car ownership is a personal thing and a matter of individual taste. Sometimes peoples choices makes you wonder and sometime...
Now for Something Entirely Different: Cars with Waterbeds and Faux Fireplaces Søren Navntoft Culture July 2, 2019Are you of an old enough generation to recall the term: Shagvan? If you do, it will most likely be...
Enter Sandman: The Australian Shag-Van Claus Ebberfeld Design and Concept March 8, 2019“It was just another time back then”. At least, that’s the only explanation I can find. The Holden Sandman became...